
I’m very excited to be writing on our new website this month! It has been a very sharp learning curve, what with domain names and hosting companies; not to mention a rapid course in teach-yourself-web-design. Carol and I hope you like the overall effect. Many thanks to all those who provide free services and information on the internet (acknowledgements on the jobs page).

That’s not the only exciting thing this month though, as I am also pleased to announce the launch of the eBook:

Equine Behaviour Explained – Why Doesn’t my Horse Understand Me?

Check out the eBook page for more info and a product description, as well as other books coming soon. This book was also a rapid (or maybe not so rapid, as in weeks) learning curve. The writing was the easy bit. Turning it into an eBook was a lot harder, as I needed to learn html and css coding (as you can’t just bung an ordinary word document on to eReaders). After weeks of trying to get all the images to work I found (via numerous websites) that no-one can get all of the images to work on all of devices. So, although nearly all of the graphics work well on the majority of eReaders, a few of the graphics aren’t perfect on some devices but at least it will still market in the affordable bracket –where else can you get a textbook for £7.99??

More exciting news on the home front:

  • Congratulations to Serena, who passed her BHS Stage 1 exam. She has become a stylish rider and is also helping to school the young cob, Jester
  • Congratulations also to Carol, who shares this website with me. Carol has been re-training a dressage horse that had problems caused by a previous rider(s). Many months of hard work have paid off, with Granite finally realising that he wouldn’t experience pain or stress when he competed, resulting in them achieving over 65% in an Elementary test, and enjoying it.

Anyone else suffering with the heat and flies? I don’t care what the adverts say, we haven’t been able to find a fly spray that actually stops the flies landing and getting the odd bite in. Even riding early in the morning doesn’t guarantee a fly-free period and poor Granite gets very upset. I notice that one horse in the Horse and Hound magazine actually fell over backwards and had to be put down after reacting badly to flies. Just a warning here on the long-term use of garlic; it DOES have side effects if used long-term. See the article on its use under the Free Articles section.

Coming from New Zealand originally, I was also glad to read recently that Jock Paget was cleared of doping charges, as his horse had a contaminated product. Fortunately, the person supplying the product admitted liability (apparently he mixed the product using a bowl and spoon on the kitchen table!!) Beware if you are supplementing with  herbal products, as not all come from reputable sources.

Finally this month, please contact us if you want to know more about any of the pages on this site, or about us.

Happy horse riding,


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